Can I Still File a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claim?

No. The period to initiate Camp Lejeune water contamination claims ended on August 10, 2024. Our firm is no longer accepting new Camp Lejeune clients. 

How Long Did I Have to File a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit? 

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 was signed on August 10, 2022. Claimants had two years - until August 10, 2024 - to begin the claims process, which started with the submission of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) Claims Form. 

What Happened at Camp Lejeune?

From August 1, 1953, to December 31, 1987, the water at Camp Lejeune – the United States Marine Corps base located near Jacksonville, North Carolina – was contaminated with toxic chemicals including trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and benzene. During that 34 year period, innocent Marines, military families, and civilians who lived and worked on base drank and bathed in the poisoned water. It’s estimated that more than one million people have suffered various illnesses as a result of their exposure to the chemicals.

In August of 2022, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 went into effect, giving these individuals and their families - many of whom suffered from various cancers - an opportunity to seek justice.